Power of Email Automation Integrated with CRM

Power of Email Automation Integrated with CRM

As the current marketing tech stack is evolving every day and offer various types of options to marketeers, Email Marketing is still the most effective and robust channel for marketing your business.

While the newsletters and one-off campaigns have important placement in your email marketing strategy, setting up carefully designed automated email campaigns can give you the ability to reach out to your clients with the specific triggers on the planned timelines with the power of data-driven decision making structures with many other functionalities.

All you need to do is to design and create email automation and once you have published the automation program it will handle the repetitive CRM tasks to save a lot of time and effort.

Let’s deep dive into the subject to get the know more and benefits of email automations.

What is Email Automation?

Email automation is actually a program design of email series sent from your email service provider (ESP) which can be a behavior-driven, triggered on real-time basis or on an elapsed period of time.

Let’s look at a simple scenario:

Let’s assume, you have prospect clients who register to your website for using your products or services. Instead of sending out only a “cold” welcome email to your clients, with the help of a series of emails and data-driven switches, depending on various behaviors of the visitor, you can encourage your prospect clients to make their first purchase, increase your brand awareness and get them to stay engaged with your brand in the long-term.

If you are using a marketing automation tool such as Oracle Responsys or Oracle Eloqua, you can create these type of email automations with the power of drag and drop program user interfaces without any need of coding skills.


email automation
A Sample Email Automation Journey

Here is an example of a “Welcome Series” program designed in Oracle Responsys which might follow like this:

– Welcome the newly registered client

– Check the purchase history of the client for making a decision on sending out a promotional email

– Send out a social media engagement email to get the client engaged with your brand

– Check the client’s email click behavior to target them on the display ads by using your data management platform.

Benefits of Email Automation?

  • Relevancy

When a user receives an automated email from your side, it’s because they have taken an action which triggered the email automation program and as a result, email they receive is highly relevant and they are more likely to open and/or click and engage with your content.

  • Loyalty

Customers who have been triggered through their actions are more likely to feel engaged with your brand and recommend your brand to others.

  • Retention

Personalized and real-time communication is an important asset that can turn the users to long-term customers.

  • Revenue

Customers are more likely complete a purchase, update their account information or return back as loyal users when they got messages at the right time, with the relevant information.

Creating an Email Automation Strategy

As each and every user has different engagement levels with your brand, it can be quite useful to create a data-driven email marketing strategy for different type of clients and personas to set up effective email automations.

For starters, you can split your clients into three different personae or groups by using their behavioral and CRM data you have and can design the automation programs accordingly.

Interested Users: Just registered or subscribed to your brand but haven’t bought any product or services yet. The goal of this stage is to get them to make their first purchase

Email Automation Examples for Interested Users:

–  Welcome series

–  Lead nurturing programs

–  Promotions for first purchase

Engaged Users: Customers who already use your products or services. The goal of this stage is to keep these clients engaged and turn them into loyal customers.

Email Automation Examples for Engaged Users:

–        Cart abandonment

–        Renewal / Re-order

–        Service alerts

–        Upcoming events

–        Reward programs

–        Page triggers

–        Birthday celebration

–        Retention programs

Lapsed Users: Customers who haven’t interacted with your email marketing communications or haven’t bought any product or services for a period of time

Email Automation Examples for Lapsed Users:

– Hasn’t bought within X days

– Hasn’t opened or clicked in X days.


Why Dynamic Content Matters?


If you are a marketeer, you would probably have already heard that popular quote “Right message to the right people at the right time” which is an important key for getting the maximum results from your marketing efforts. However, providing relevant content to your clients can sometimes be painful if you don’t have a well-designed marketing data model and tools that can create the dynamic content easily.

The simplest example of this is sending out 2 different emails for the most basic scenario “to show different products for genders”. Dynamic content frees you from making mistakes when sending redundant email campaigns, as well as automates the process. For example, with the power of dynamic content editor of Oracle Responsys, you can customize your emails by any type of marketing data such as profile, demographics, purchase history, interactions, etc.

All you need to do is to create the dynamic content modules and use them in your emails by setting up the dynamic content rules. While the marketing automation platform sends out the email, a hyper-personalized & right message will be rendered and provided to the right people at the right time.

In order to start designing your email and marketing automation strategy, do not hesitate to call Labrys by clicking here immediately.

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