From Disparate MarTech Apps to Connected Journeys: Benefits of Connecting Digital Assets and Analytics with CX Apps and CRM

From Disparate MarTech Apps to Connected Journeys: Benefits of Connecting Digital Assets and Analytics with CX Apps and CRM


The “Modern Marketing” approach requires connecting all customer touch points, gaining behavioral insights, understanding customers and creating personalized communications. Hence, we all talk about digital analytics, customer journeys, marketing automation, AdTech/MarTech and customer experience almost every day. Companies who invest more in these platforms can benefit by completely integrating them within their marketing strategies. But what if these platforms are not linked and do not communicate with each other? Would it still make your marketing operations measurable and optimizable? Or would it make you miserable when it comes to personalization and customer experience?

To Connect or Not To Connect

Let’s think about an organization that collects leads from online channels and tries to convert it from offline channels like a call center or via salespeople on field. At the bare minimum, this organization would probably have a website, a web analytics tool, an online advertising tool, a CRM system and a marketing automation system to send emails, SMS, etc.

These platforms often are not connected out of the box, especially when the vendor of each product is different and hence commonly used without any connection between themselves by the brands. From a customer journey point of view, we would clearly miss some touch points and attributes during any journey where the tech stack is disconnected. Thus, we, as a brand, would not be able create personalized omnichannel communications, leaving us with very low levels of engagement and a disconnected channel management. Let’s have a closer look and try to understand what the benefits of connecting digital assets and analytics would be with CX and CRM tools.

Customer Journey Measurement | Connected vs Not Connected

See the schema below to see what a customer journey would look like and what kind of attributes would be gathered if there were no connection between environments. This approach would only create a single directional flow of data, while no feedback about the full journey path exists to enrich customer data and create a better customer experience by offering personalized communication on both online and offline channels.

On the other hand, a connected environments’ schema would look like below.

Connected environments let us associate every touch point and unify a user’s online and offline attributes. This will let us gain more insights about any user’s intent and to see improvement areas on conversion paths. It will also let you retarget your related customers with personalized content.

In a way, it would be your very own CDP.

Key Benefits


1-    Track exact source of conversions

In most cases, a lead is created online, and the rest of the process belongs to an offline process. A Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL), with the lead’s source known, would provide a higher rate of closure and reach a profitable customer base, while improving the overall conversion path. In order to achieve this, first, you’ll need to know what exactly is happening. This is only possible by collecting related data and gathering insights. So, this connected experience will let you track the journey from the very beginning by hooking up all touch points and letting you see gaps and opportunities.

2-    ROI Calculation

Marketing ROI calculation becomes a bit complex when it comes to an analysis of multi-step conversion paths. Furthermore, it is almost impossible to calculate it based on channels, if you don’t have a connected infrastructure. When you have connected environments, since you would know the lead source of a closed opportunity, you would also be able to calculate its ROI, whether the opportunity is closed offline or online.

3-    Reach Out To Users Based On Their Lead State for More MQLs.

With complete attributes and behavioral details of your customers throughout their journey, you can address issues in the journey flow for cross-sell and up-sell promotions. By understanding their lead state, you can identify bottlenecks where leads get stuck at specific points in the journey. You can then use targeted strategies such as a counteroffer via a social media post, a YouTube video, or a display banner to re-engage and move them forward.

Now, this is the power of creating a connected MarTech stack in order to boost marketing qualified leads (MQLs) into your sales funnel.

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